Friday, 16 March 2012

Creative Zone bermula!! ini makin berseri dengan adanya "header image" di atas.

Gambar tersebut telah disumbangkan oleh pelajar kita, Izz Bt. Ismail (5NF 2012). Berbanyak terima kasih cikgu ucapkan.

Kali pertama melihat gambar tersebut terus timbul satu idea untuk menggunakannya di blog ini. Ya, sememangnya cikgu sedang mencari idea bagaimana untuk menambah baik (dan cantik) blog ini supaya pelajar sekalian lebih seronok melayarinya.

Cikgu alu2kan sumbangan idea pelajar2 sekalian agar kita sama2 dapat memperkasakan blog ini, sama ada kandungannya mahupun 'wajah'nya.

Maka, dengan ini cikgu wujudkan "Creative Zone" special utk memaparkan koleksi2 sumbangan kalian ;)

-Miss Siti Nadiah-

 wajah asal gambar

 selepas di"crop" dan resize

ditambah sedikit tulisan sebab dah kebuntuan idea nak bagi gambar dan blog description sama2 duk tengah2....hahaha

~Keputusan SPM 2011~

Jeng..jeng..jeng.. yang ni mesti ramai tertunggu2 kan? Terutamanya pelajar SPM 2011.. Guru2 SPM 2011 pun tak kurang juga debarannya..semua menantikan berita gembira pencapaian subjek masing2.

Apapun yang akan anda terima nanti, terimalah dengan minda yang positif. Cikgu doakan pelajar2 SPM 2011 gembira dengan keputusan masing2.

Sumber berita

-Miss Siti Nadiah-
* Teringat pula dengan pelajar2 di sekolah tempat cikgu berkhidmat sebelum ni...hurmm..

Thursday, 15 March 2012

"Ole2 Balik Kampung"

Dear all Form 4 and Form 5 students...

How's your holidays? I hope everyone is in the pink of health. School breaks seems to end in a few days time, so I hope all of you has finished your "Ole2 Balik Kampung"..

Form 4 students : "Tutorial SPM 2011 Modul 1 and Modul 2" (only answer questions of topic 1 - 5 Fom 4)

Form 5 students :
5 AA, 5 IA, 5 IK ----->  "Pra Midyear Camp SPM 2011"
5 NF ------------------> Score A+ SPM

Looking forward to see you soon!  (^___^)v

-Miss Siti Nadiah-

First Mid Term Examination 2012 (Form 4)

To all Form 4 students,

Your first exam is expected to be held on the 2nd week after this March Mid Term Break. The date will be announced later. So, please start preparing for the exam.

Your add maths paper will be prepared by Madam. Faridah and it will covered from chapter 1 till chapter 5 chapter 3 of Form 4 syllabus (Functions, Quadratic Equations, Quadratic Functions, Simultaneous equations, and Indices and Logarithms). Good luck students! We're looking forward to see your best performances!

-Miss Siti Nadiah-

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Add. Maths' Personal Coaching

Alhamdulillah, during this school holidays  (11th - 13th March 2012) we have been able to hold Personal Coaching Sessions for SPM 2012's Candidates at Terengganu Public Library from 10am till 4.30pm each days. The attendance are voluntarily.

Baihaqi, Amirul Arsyad, Muhammad Azri, Khairun Najjah, Noraziah Amira, Nursheina Aira, Siti Hajar, Nur Nasuha, Wan Nurmajdina, Wan Nur Laila and Adibah Athirah...I'm very proud of you! Although this program has been announced quite late, and it's not cumpolsory but you have proven to us that you have great motivation to success in Additional Mathematics. Keep on trying and prays to Allah, InsyaAllah He'll grant your wishes to achieve A+ for Add Maths in your SPM.

I also want to thank Muhammad Syukri and Muhammad Aiman, who are willing to come and join the session as my helpers. Remember this phrase, "Homines dum docent, discunt" which means when he is teaching, he is learning. Thank you for your support. May Allah bless you :)

**p/s : Students, do inform me any feedbacks or comments on how we can improve this program in the future.

-miss siti nadiah-